My Anxiety Around Christmas Is At An All Time High

I operate with a medium level of anxiety every day: I worry a lot about everything, and often put myself in situations that might not even happen. My imagination is beyond wild at the best of times.

It’s just what I do.

Around Christmas time though, I feel like it’s at an all time high for me.

I don’t want to go out and deal with people, or crowds.

The thought of having to try and fight with others to find a car park makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Traffic jams make me anxious because I am a punctual person and hate being late. Even for an imaginary time I had set myself to be somewhere.

I went to the supermarket the other day at 3.30pm with my two kids (6 and 4) – ROOKIE MISTAKE. My almost 4 year old thought it would be a fun game to play “don’t stand on the cracks” in a supermarket FULL of people; and cracks.

After having LOUD words with him (because I was not in the mood to muck around being nice), I was starting to lose the plot.

I just wanted to get out of there, but NEEDED to get a few items (stuff that couldn’t be bought from a Dairy or Convenience Store).

By the time I was back in the car, I really felt like my afternoon had been ruined. Not by my children, but by myself for putting us all in that situation.

Being out and about around Christmas time is really the worst, and I often can’t handle it.

Thankfully at this time of the year, I don’t have any actual presents to buy as I did it midway through the year.

I need to start learning to shop in the middle of the night, or late night supermarket shopping …


My Anxiety Around Christmas Is At An All Time High

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