Playgroups & Playcentre


Photo 5-05-16, 7 09 41 PM


The other day, I went live on my Happy Mum Happy Child Facebook page.  Which basically means, I streamed live to you guys – and I had a blast!  I got asked HEAPS of questions, and one of the questions was “do you (or did you) take your kids to playgroups & playcentre?”

My kids have never been to playgroups and/or playcentre.

It’s hard for me to articulate why I never did this, but I’ll try.

When my daughter was born (she’s my eldest and is 4 now), she was a spilly baby (a happy one).  She spilled a huge amount after every single feed.  She spilled in her bed when sleeping.  She did this for at least 6 months.  During this time, I felt a wee bit trapped.  Because anytime I went anywhere, she would spill EVERYWHERE.  So this is one of the reasons I didn’t head out much.

Another reason – her sleep.  Getting my daughter to have day naps was a huge deal for me, and caused me a great deal of stress.  Once I had her day naps down, I really didn’t want to budge – for anything.  She had 2 day sleeps until about 18 months old, and those naps often fell during the playgroup and playcentre times.  Then by the time she’d dropped down to one sleep, my boy was born.

And once I had two kids, there was no way I was heading out.

What do I think of Playgroups & Playcentre?  I think they’re amazing.  But I don’t think they’re for everyone – and if you can’t take your child to them, you’re not a bad parent.  You do what’s best for you, because YOU are the one who is the parent, and the one who is trying to get through each day.

Your child won’t know any different.  They won’t suffer intellectually, or socially.  My kids certainly didn’t.

And on the other side of the coin – they keep parents sane!  I know so many people who met amazing friends / parents through playgroups and playcentre.  Some toddlers need and LOVE interacting with other children.  Some don’t.

There is no right or wrong.  It just didn’t work out for me.

If you’re interested, check out the Playcentre website.

Did you take your child to playgroups & playcentre?


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