Friday Favourites: The One About Going Back To Work

© Maria Foy | Happy Mum Happy Child

Friday Favourites: The One About Going Back To Work

Back into a New Year of favourites, and this week my husband went back to work after two weeks of being on holiday. I’m not going to lie, it was an extreme luxury to have him home during this time. He spent a lot of time with the kids and I didn’t have to do much at all. In fact, I think I had a nap every single day. It was brilliant! So anyway … this week was back to reality. There were definitely ups and downs, however surprisingly there were more ups!

Don’t forget this is a LINK UP! What that means is you can share your favourite blog from the week (if you run one), or perhaps something you have read. Just scroll to the bottom.

What has been your favourite (or least favourite) thing about this week?  Check out my five things:


FAVOURITE: Grandparents

Both my parents and Phil’s parents are amazing and have helped look after the kids during the School Holidays. It’s not only given us a break, but it’s been amazing for our kids. It’s nice that they get a change of environment!

Digging up new potatoes ?

A photo posted by Maria (@happymumhappychild) on



I went back for my second session, to EMCO Cosmetic Tattooing, to get my eyebrows micro-bladed (or feathered). It hurt a wee bit more this time, but only until the seriously good numbing cream went on; and then it was fine. I’m SO ridiculously happy with the results. Waking up each morning and have my eyebrows on is actually quite fantastic!


FAVOURITE: New Storage Containers

Scored myself some containers from Kmart and used them to help organise under the kitchen sink. REVOLUTIONARY! I love it when something looks so good!


FAVOURITE: Lunch Box Reviews

This week (and last) my Lunch Box Reviews have been extremely popular. So far I’ve reviewed over 15 lunch boxes, and have more to review! If you’re after a lunch box then I highly recommend you taking a look at the review page.


FAVOURITE: The Parenting View

This week I started The Parenting View Support Group on Facebook. This is a group for ALL parents, grandparents, step parents, etc – it’s a support group where people can come to discuss all things parenting. If you haven’t joined the group, then would love to have you over!


Have you written a Friday Favourites Blog? Or perhaps you just have a favourite blog of yours that you’d like to share – well you can do it here! We want to encourage everyone: bloggers, parents, human beings, to look back on the week and think positively. No matter how shit it’s been.

Your hosts for Friday Favourites, as always, are myself (Happy Mum Happy Child), and Lisasaurus.

How it works:

  1. Copy the link to a post of yours: it could be your own Friday Favourites, or one you’ve just loved
  2. Click on the ADD YOUR LINK button, which is below
  3. Simply follow the instructions and post the link. TOO EASY!

Any giveaways will be deleted, and the link must point to a blog post, not just your blog. A link back to here, on your post, is always appreciated.

Submissions open every Friday at 7am.



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