This page is about everything lunch related. From lunchbox suggestions, to recipes. Everything you could possibly want to know – and if you have any questions just ask!

5 Tips To Slow Down The Apple Browning Process
My kids LOVE apples – they probably eat about 3 apples a day EACH. One of these is cut up an apple and popped into

Super Simple Marshmallow Slice
If I can make this Marshmallow Slice, then so can you … In my never ending journey to find the easiest, most simple, recipes around,

Bento Five Lunch Box
As you guys know, I have a large amount of lunch boxes that I’ve reviewed here on Happy Mum Happy Child. Currently in my lounge,

Tips For An Amazing Lunch Box
At first I loved making lunches for my kids; I LOVED filling their lunch boxes with amazingly fun looking food: and for the most part

Healthy Halloween Snacks
Here in New Zealand, Halloween hasn’t been around for that long (well not when I was a kid … IT WASN’T THAT LONG AGO!! HAHA)

Rice Bubble Bites
Rice Bubble Bites In my ever-ending quest to find suitable snacks for my kids, I thought I’d try my hand at making these Rice Bubble

Lunchbox Ideas for Kids
Making lunches every day can sometimes be cathartic for me, and other times it is a right pain in the arse. Especially on a Friday

Being A Parent: Mealtime Judgements
So many times I’ve posted pictures on Facebook and/or Instagram of the food I make, and there has been someone (or more than one person)

Bento Lunch Box Craze
Photo / Supplied / Lynley Edward Bento Lunch Box Craze Check out this article in the NZ Herald today about school lunches! I was interviewed

Easter: Lunchtime Surprise
Using those plastic eggs, why not make lunch more exciting for your children by doing this simple (albeit a bit lengthy) activity: WHAT YOU’LL NEED