This is where I spew the thoughts in my head, out into text that is hopefully in a readable format.

Perimenopause & How It’s Affecting Me
I’m 42 and suddenly experiencing perimenopause symptoms on and off and it’s absolutely terrifying. I have talked about this over on my personal blog on

Giving The Kids Something To Look Forward To
We all know what it’s like when we know something exciting is coming up – it gives us purpose and can help us get through

My Kids Won’t Stay In Bed So I’ve Had To Improvise
My kids won’t stay in bed so I’ve had to improvise and have created a chart that you can use too, to help stop your

5 Tips To Slow Down The Apple Browning Process
My kids LOVE apples – they probably eat about 3 apples a day EACH. One of these is cut up an apple and popped into

I Had A Stylist Help Me With My Wardrobe & It’s Changed The Way I Think About Myself
After I had a bit of a meldown at Christmas over the way I looked, I decided to take matters into my own hands regarding

Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol
I’m a 39 year old Mum of 2 kids, and I’ve just hit 700 days sober after realising my drinking habits were not good. Here’s

Review: New World’s 5 Family Meals For Under $100
Yes you read that right – New World has launched its own Weekly Meal Planner with 5 family meals for under $100*! This is sponsored

When Social Media Goes Down
It doesn’t happen often but it still happens … Everytime Instagram, or Facebook, go down, I am reminded that social media is not forever. Heck

My Daughter Told Me She Thought She Was Fat, And Now I’m Worried
The conversation started at dinner time when my 9 year old said “I don’t want to eat anymore, I feel fat“. I looked at my

Device Usage & Our Rules
Four years ago I wrote a blog called “Why I’ve Banned The iPad During The Week” but wanted to give you guys an update /

How Often Do You Change Your Sheets?
I took a poll the other day on my Instagram stories, asking how often people changed / washed their sheets. The result genuinely surprised me.

Recap & Thank You
Coming on to say hi, and to explain where I’ve been for the last year. It might seem like I’ve been around but I kind

Release Yourself From The Guilt
I hold a lot of guilt within myself whenever I choose to sit down and watch Netflix, or even read a book; however I am

I Don’t Like Diets BUT …
I HAVE KEPT THIS BLOG BUT REMOVED ALL AFFILIATE CODES / LINKS Diets have a lot to answer for with myself and many females –

I’m Normalising Being Sober
What I’m gonna say may trigger people and that’s ok – I’ve decided to normalise being sober in this house. I’m not doing it because

My Kids Aren’t Into Sports, And I Don’t Care
You read it right – my kids aren’t into sports and I’m not going to push them into it either. I know it’s important kids