You read it right – my kids aren’t into sports and I’m not going to push them into it either.
I know it’s important kids do things outside of their comfort zone, and learn to work as a team with others, blah blah blah.
I get it.
As a teenager I did a lot – soccer, tennis, cricket, learned to play the piano, and violin. Was in drama productions and did other random things – I loved every single one (otherwise I wouldn’t have done it).
But as a young kid, I did marching, cricket, some Kung Fu, a little Girl Guides and that’s it.
I enjoyed Girl Guides but the rest NAH. Wasn’t for me. Actually that’s a lie – I LOVED Marching, but the girls were too bitchy and mean for my liking.

Here in New Zealand, a lot of focus is put on sports.
If your kid isn’t out on the field playing sports on a Saturday or Sunday, there must be something wrong with you (or your kid).
Well I’m here to say there’s not something wrong with anyone, and SHOCK HORROR, sports isn’t the be all and end all.
I do want to encourage my kids to get involved if they want to, but I don’t think sports HAS to be the answer.
If they didn’t want to get involved in sports, or extracurricular activities, then that’s ok too!
You do NOT have to do anything – especially because there’s often a cost involved and not everyone can afford it.

I often talk to my kids about extracurricular activities, and if they’d like to try anything. I offer loads of options to see if anything interests them – and nothing really did. Until Girl Guides came up… so I’ve enrolled my daughter in that.
I will enrol my son in Scouts if he is interested (but I’m leaving it until he’s 8
In fact. Girl Guides isn’t the only thing that isn’t sports related. There’s plenty of other things to do if you want your kids to get out and do something different:
- Girl Guides
- Scouts
- Dancing (of any kind)
- Marching (if that’s still a thing)
- Singing
- Acting
- Debating (although this is probably for older kids)
- Learning to play a musical instrument
- Self Defense
- Horse Riding
- Surf Lifesaving
There’s so many other options out there other than sports.
Of course, if you love sports, and your kid loves sports then I think that’s awesome!
I just can’t stand this narrative whereby sports feels like the only option – because it’s not.
I also don’t like the assumption that kids HAVE to do an extracurricular activity.
They absolutely do not. They will not turn out less of a person because of it. Every child is different – and you know your kid best.