Recap & Thank You

Coming on to say hi, and to explain where I’ve been for the last year. It might seem like I’ve been around but I kind of haven’t …

It’s 2021 now and I do believe I kind of went missing in 2020. I feel like I wasn’t really around much here on my blog, but there is a reason for that.

I’m just about to hit 12 months of sobriety, you can read a bit about my journey with re-evaluating my relationship with alcohol on my Reflecting On 2020 Patreon post (it’s public so everyone can read).

Because of this struggle and EVERYTHING ELSE THAT HAPPENED IN 2020, I just didn’t have the motivation to write blogs, or recipes, or helpful posts or anything really.

So my year continued yet again by sharing memes over on my social media page.

I often criticise myself for this because it’s a direct reflection on the state of my mind – no focus, only on the funny stuff.

My kids are now 7 and 9, and still at Primary School here in Auckland, New Zealand.

We had an interesting year with regards to home schooling and Covid-19, but as a lot of you will know, us New Zealanders definitely had a bit of a different experience compared to the rest of the world.

As I said above, every single day I was continuing to battle my anxiety and depression but without alcohol.

I did a lot of self reflection, which is actually incredibly hard. I’m still continuing to try and figure out who I am in this world – figure out my place. At times this was really confronting, and still is.

I’ve posted two photos just below showing myself in December 2019 vs myself in December 2020. Obviously the glaringly obvious difference is my hair.

In May 2020, I shaved all of my hair off and raised $15k for three incredible charities.

These two photos I feel show a huge change in myself, not only physically but mentally too:

Of course over the last year I learned a lot about myself, but I also learned about more of our history as women, about the world and my own country.

It was intense on so many levels.

I’m here to say thank you so much if you’re a) reading this, but more importantly b) if you’re continuing to follow Happy Mum Happy Child given how much of a change in direction it’s taken.

I’m still here – especially on Facebook / Instagram stories. I pretty much do daily videos on there.

Still struggling, still figuring out who I am – and still trying to be the best parent I can whilst knowing I’m probably screwing my kids up at the same time.

How are you guys going? I still really appreciate you guys and the community we have here.


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