It’s Good Friday here today in New Zealand, and the first day of a four day Easter “weekend”.
We live a pretty boring life, and aren’t planning on doing anything special, other than hanging out together as a family. Or visiting other family members, which we are definitely doing.
Of course we know that Good Friday and Easter Sunday are the two days where shops are closed yet we STILL panic on those days.
It would seem we aren’t alone.
On several different websites, I found multiple threads of people talking about what’s open this weekend, and what’s on for them to do.
We have almost run out of milk, which is stupid, because I went to the supermarket yesterday but forgot to get it. DUH MARIA. And I’m guessing loads of people are in the same situation.
LUCKY for us, our local supermarket is open – they choose to take the fine and open for the day.
EVERY year it’s the same though. Seriously. The day that everything is closed is the day I WANT to go out. It’s like just because I know everything is closed, I suddenly NEED to be out in the world.
I feel trapped that if I suddenly wanted something, I can’t have it.
I don’t even have any money to shop with HA!
Have you panicked today about things being closed? What do you do during the Easter break?
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