© Maria Foy | Happy Mum Happy Child
Friday Favourites: The One With The Kittens
This week was actually pretty average for me. Nothing overly exciting happened with my emotions (thank god for that), but we did find some kittens! So the kids and I have been having a lot of fun with them. Phil is too, but he is often at work, or fixing the garage; so doesn’t get the opportunity to do so that much
What has been your favourite (or least favourite) thing about this week? Check out my things:
FAVOURITE: The Kittens
Of course I’m going to say the kittens! I heard what sounded like a bird squawking out the back, on Tuesday, and upon further investigation discovered three kittens living in the grass. The dilemma on whether or not to do something with them was huge: do we take them away from their mum to get them checked out? Or leave them there. The next day we decided to take them to the vets to get checked, but sadly I could only find two: not sure where the other one went!
The vet said that it was ok that we took them – because they are only 4 weeks old, it’s a good time to have contact with humans. So they got checked up, and are now living in our house. They’re so great for the kids (when they’re awake) but by golly are they a lot of work! At 4 weeks old, I have to syringe feed them. And because one of their eyes is still pretty bad, I’m having to constantly wipe them out.
I love them though, and am grateful to have found them when I did.
LEAST FAVOURITE: Defiant Children
My 2 year old boy is NOTHING like his sister. Chloe was always quite compliant: didn’t run away, stopped when I said stop, and for the most part listened to me. My boy is truly teaching me what it’s like to be a parent by pushing my buttons at every single turn. Do I yell? Do I grab him and do the death stare?! Parenting at home is one thing, parenting in public is another.
I’ve had a Twitter account for several years now, but kind of lost my connection with it as it does require a lot of work (just like anything online). However I feel like I’ve finally got my groove back, and have had a massive clean-out of people who don’t follow me / haven’t tweeted in years.
Feel free to follow me: happymumnz … I do follow back! Unless you’re a bot, in which case I might not LOLOLOL
I’m going through a lull at the moment with movies. I can’t seem to find one that I truly like. I love a good romance, but am also a Sci-Fi addict. Do you have any suggestions for me!? HELP ME FIND A GOOD MOVIE!
>>>> Friday Favourites Link Up <<<<
We are changing it up a bit here for the Friday Favourites link up! We want you to start thinking about YOUR favourites for the week and if you’re keen, share it here! It could literally be a post of your own that you’ve loved, or you could create a post similar to ours – simply listing your favourites!
We want to encourage everyone: bloggers, parents, human beings, to look back on the week and think positively. No matter how shit it’s been.
Your hosts for Friday Favourites, as always, are myself (Happy Mum Happy Child), and Lisasaurus.
How it works:
- Copy the link to a post of yours: it could be your own Friday Favourites, or one you’ve just loved
- Click on the ADD YOUR LINK button, which is below
- Simply follow the instructions and post the link. TOO EASY!
Any giveaways will be deleted, and the link must point to a blog post, not just your blog. A link back to here, on your post, is always appreciated.
Submissions open every Friday