Introducing: Hello Mamas

Pregnant Happy Mum Happy Child
Still had 3 months to go …

The role of Mother challenges me every single day, and often makes me question who I am, and my own sanity.  One of the things that has helped me get through the rough days.  Through the days where I can’t see the trees through the forest, is having contact with other adults.

Now, this normally would be in the form of actual human interaction, but as it turns out, I don’t know a lot of people with babies or small children.   So other than my own parents, and my in-laws, I spent a lot of time with my first child alone.  My husband was there, but not during the day.

So I turned to the Internet.  I turned to my Due group, to my online friends.  And it helped.  Oh gosh, it bloody well helped.

Happy Mum Happy Child Baby
1 hour after my C Section

Baby wouldn’t sleep?  Just ask the online Mums.  When to start weaning?  Online Mums.  Needed to vent?  Online Mums.  Wanted a meet-up?  Online Mums.  Friday Night Wine?  Online Mums.  I have made some amazing real-life friends from the internet.  And as weird as it sounds, I will continue to do so.

The internet connects us, and allows us to support each other without leaving the comfort of our own homes.   Obviously getting out and meeting people is the idea, and the goal, but sometimes it’s just not possible.  The internet made me feel more human, and a lot less alone.

Since starting my own website this has become even more apparent.  You – my team – have absolutely made me feel like a “normal” mother (whatever that means haha).  You have no idea how much I truly appreciate you.

The parenting role has so many ups and downs, and we all need to band together and support each other.

hellomamasThis is where Hello Mamas comes in.  Hello Mamas has a Mum Finder App designed to help you meet other local Mums.  Other Mums who have a similar family structure to you.  Who have similar interests to you.  Who enjoy wine, like you (LOOOLLL).

Hello Mamas provide support at the touch of a button.  They use a detailed matching system, specifically designed based on the founders own experiences, which makes finding mums near you easy, quick and fun.

You can use it any way you want – you can schedule a playdate, a coffee meet-up, a girls night out or build an online support network of amazing mums.  This app is perfect.  Hello Mamas is relatively new to New Zealand, so we all need to get cracking and get their database full of Mums so that we can start interacting with others.

I’m already on there, so check it out and see if we’re a match.  I warn you though, you have to be pretty crazy to get matched up with me 😀

I have actually been invited to be a Hello Mamas Influencer, and work with them in the future to help support other Mums.  I will be writing for their blog and sharing my craziness with them.

I don’t know if they know what they’ve gotten themselves into …. :/


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The internet is amazing isn’t it! Most of my friends that I have made since having my 3yo are friends I made on the Internet and have carried over well into ‘real life’ (I put it like that because hey guess what the Internet is real life for me.) I don’t know what I would have done without the Internet when I was at home with my boy. Those middle of the night feeds and I just needed to pick up my phone and could find others and see that I wasn’t the only one up in the wee hours feeding.

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