My Family

About Me 01 by Happy Mum Happy ChildI’ve been meaning to do this kind of post for a while – a little bit of history of me and my family.  That includes my husband, and his family, as well as my own family.

I’ll try and keep it short and to the point, so I’ll start with me: both of my parents are ex-teachers.  I was born and raised in Ramarama, which is in South Auckland, on a farm.  My parents left teaching, and became farmers.  When I was 6, we moved to Papatoetoe where my parents started their own business, and ever since have done their own thing.

I have two brothers and a sister.  And we are very close – in age AND as people.  I am the eldest, and am 11 months older than my brother.  My brother is then 11 months older than his other brother.  And finally my sister is 1.5 years younger than her brother.  So we are all very close in age.

My husband is born and raised in South Auckland as well.  He is half Chinese.  HIs great grandparents (on his Dad’s side) came over from China and settled here in New Zealand.  My husband’s Mum was raised in Murawai.  Both are market gardeners and have a family business growing and selling Tomatoes.  My husband has two younger brothers, and again, they are all very close.

Needless to say, we do come from big families.  And we both love it.  I also love being a part of a multi-cultural family, and I love learning about my husband’s Chinese history.   We do several things a year as a big family, and it is so great for us and our children to be a part of it.

Both of sets of parents work from home, and are only 5 mins (or less) away.  So we are VERY lucky to be able to see them whenever we want.

Here are some photos of my kids with our family – with my husband and with our parents 😀

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Wow that’s so cool you both come form big families and are all so close! It’s great that you can give your kids a wider cultural experience too. I’m an only child so while we’re close to my parents my side of my immediate family isn’t too big.


Lucky you with grandparents so close!

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