My Top 10 Kids Movies for 2015

Top 10 Movies by Happy Mum Happy ChildAs much as I like to pretend it doesn’t happen, my kids watch movies all the time.  We watch the same movies over and over again.  So much so, that my husband and I have “movie conversations” where we just quote lines from the movies ..

Our latest one is me singing “Who’s the friend who likes to play” and my husband (or kids) sing “Bing Bong!  Bing Bong!” … this is from the movie Inside Out.

So I thought I would share the Top 10 kids movies that I could quote from beginning to end.  These movies are my kids FAVOURITES (or at least my favourites), and we watch them over and over.



10.  Mrs Doubtfire

A classic with Robin Williams.  Easy to watch, and it’s funny.  And the girl from Matilda is in it.  Kids love kids.








MPW-377439.  Hook

This one I forced on my kids because I wanted to watch it.  Now they call it the “Pirate Movie” HAHAHA







kung-fu-panda-poster-artwork-jack-black-jackie-chan-dustin-hoffman8.  Kung Fu Panda

This one was one my Kids wanted to watch, and personally, I wasn’t interested.  But it’s a bit like Stockholm Syndrome, eventually I learned to love it.








This was my personal favourite movie for a VERY long time.  And when the kids ask to watch a movie, I would put this on.  Even when they didn’t want to watch it.  So so funny.







Frozen-movie-poster6.  Frozen

Absolutely LOVED this movie, and so did the kids.








MOV_2b4afe11_b5.  Hop

Another movie I was forced to watch that I personally hated when we first got it on DVD.  Again, after watching this a thousand times, I have learned to love it.







Unknown4.  Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

This is a bloody brilliant movie, and so well written.  Even loved the sequel!








i65763.  Bee Movie

The third and final movie that I personally hated for a very very long time.  In fact, I still don’t like it.  But I can still quote it from beginning to end.







despicable-me-2-movie-poster-22.  Despicable Me

The second of my favourite movies in this list.  Brilliantly written and done, I could quote and watch this for hours and hours.








1. Inside Out

This is currently the flavour of the month, and one we will be watching for a very long time. This is my third favourite movie – what an amazing story with amazing characters.  My personal favourite is Anger HAHAHA







So there you have it – the top 10 movies watched in this house for 2015.  What are the movies you guys have watched?  What about the ones that will be ingrained on your memory forever?


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There are a few of these in my movie collection! I really want to see Inside Out. I was given a Disney Pixar box set for Christmas a couple of years ago and have watched those over and over!

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