New Mother Faces Charges For Leaving Baby In Car

Let me first say that this is something that has happened in America, but regardless, I am extremely saddened by the whole thing.

Essentially Heather (a Mother with a 3 month old, who also suffers Post Natal Depression and Anxiety), had a rough night with her baby. After dropping her finance off at work, her baby had fallen asleep, so she stopped into a convenience store and quickly popped in to get something to eat.

It was 2 degrees Celsius that day, so was much better for her to leave her sleeping child in the warm car, than to wake them up and take them with her for the three minutes she was in there.

She could see the car in her line of sight the entire time.

She was literally in there for three minutes (security cameras prove it) and when she went out, there was a police officer there.

Long story short, she was charged and technically arrested. CPS opened a case against her, and investigated her thoroughly. Although the CPS case is closed, the police case isn’t.

She is still being charged with “contributing to the delinquency of a child”.


I have been reading comments online from people about this, and a huge chunk support this woman and cannot believe that the police are wasting time with this rather than chasing actual criminals.

However, quite a few comments say “I wouldn’t even leave my baby to put the washing outside”.

I have left my sleeping babies in the car to dash in and get something from the Dairy (Convenience Store). I also have left my fully awake children in the car whilst I go and get petrol.

I left my daughter in a pram asleep on the back porch once because if I had rolled it into the house it would have woken her up. It was a sheltered porch, and the pram was a “lie down” one.

At the end of the day, whether you’re a first-time Mum or a seasoned traveller, parenting is hard. It is tiring and relentless and a new born baby changes things incredibly.

Whether you think what this Mother did was right or wrong, it does pay to remember that each of us are different. Each of us have different experiences, and just because you wouldn’t do something, doesn’t mean others wouldn’t.

I personally believe that child was safer inside that vehicle (and certainly warmer), than being taken outside. Just like I believe leaving a child in the car when at a petrol station is safer also.

Now whether you believe that or not is totally fine, but personally I don’t think this Mother should have been charged.

What do you think?

You can read the full article here:

UPDATE: here is a statement from the New Zealand Police on leaving children / babies in a car.


New Mother Faces Charges For Leaving Baby In Car?

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