Private Or Public? IDGAF


Private Or Public? IDGAF

I recently saw Constance Hall’s post about how she said she was afraid about giving birth in a public hospital, and I saw that she received a lot of backlash about it.

Namely people were saying that they thought she was too good for public health and then those people raved about their own amazing public hospital birth experiences.

For starters, let me just say how incredibly unfair that is to Constance, or ANYONE who does things slightly different than the norm.

I did a big sigh before I wrote this because I get sick of this attitude. The type of attitude where people think others are better than them, or think “she thinks she’s better than us”.

That’s not true.

And if it is, who cares!?!?!

If I want to go and have a baby in a private hospital, that’s my business. It doesn’t make me better than you, it means I have a choice and it’s one I’ve made.

Did you know I had an Obstetrician rather than a midwife?

I made this decision after talking to my Mum, who had had a horrible experience with a midwife and refused to let me go with one; she also knew about my experience with anxiety.

She felt so let down by her midwife at the time, and most definitely didn’t want that happening to me; although she realised that could obviously happen with an OB. So she helped me pay for one. I also had Health Insurance for my pregnancy with Ronan.

I did, however, birth publicly at Middlemore in Auckland for both of my pregnancies and I loved it BOTH times.

This doesn’t make me BETTER than anyone, I simply made a choice to go with someone else.

Just because I have parents who are able to help me out, doesn’t mean I am better than you.

We all have different experiences in life, but it doesn’t make us better OR worse than anyone else.

It just makes us different.

I would never in a MILLION YEARS think I was better than anybody. If anything, I criticise myself and think I’m LESS than everyone, ya know?

I know there are lot of people out there who don’t have a choice; who don’t have the money or insurance to afford any kind of different care, but again … that doesn’t mean anyone is better than anyone else.



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