The Birthday Cake

© Maria Foy | Happy Mum Happy Child

The Birthday Cake

One thing I am not very good at, is being creative. And then from that, if I do have a moment of creativity, it’s getting that from my brain into reality. I find it very hard to translate what is in my head.

Which is why when my kids ask me for a “Lightening McQueen” cake or a “Butterfly” cake – I instantly think “just buy it”. Honestly – I have nothing to prove to anyone by making it, other than to myself.

However, sometimes I just really want to do it. Like I said above – to prove to myself that I can.

When my 2 (about to be 3) year old asked for a “Mack truck” cake (from Lightening McQueen), I panicked. I wanted to give him what he wanted, but I knew I couldn’t buy one that would be decent enough.

So I did this:

Honestly this cake was ridiculously easy to make:

  • Betty Crocker Devil’s Cake packet mix
  • Betty Crocker Spreadable Chocolate Icing
  • Chocolate Fingers / Kit Kats
  • M&M’s
  • Ribbon
  • Candles / toys

I baked the cake, waited for it to cool and then iced with a crap load of icing (on the top AND sides). I then put Chocolate Fingers around the edge (you can use Kit Kats if you want) and tied it up with ribbon I bought from Kmart.

In the middle is a crap load of M&M’s, and a candle on top.

As I said, it was VERY easy to make, and you can put ANYTHING you want on the top to personalise it for your child. As you can see above, I put Mater and Lightening McQueen – because I couldn’t find Mack to go on it.

Ronan absolutely loved it.

In fact, he loved it so much, he only cared about the cars on the top – and not the cake. He had one small piece of cake (as did his sister), and that was it. We ended up giving most of it away.

Often a cake is just about the “look” and less about the “sugary amazingness that is inside”. If that makes sense …

Let me also say this – if you choose to make your cake from scratch, you are amazing. If you choose to make it healthy for yourself and your kids, you are amazing too.

Life is also about balance, and a little sweet treat on a child’s birthday is fine for us. If you don’t believe that, then that’s fine. How boring would it be if we all thought the same ❤


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