>> Friday Favourites Link Up Below <<
This week something happened which has never happened to me before – my boy got flea bites. And lots of them.
I actually struggled internally about whether or not to put this post out, mainly because I was so embarrassed and ashamed of it. In fact, I still am.
We have a cat. A freaking cat. Her name is Daisy, but I often call her the Devil.
Yes, we do regularly flea her, but clearly something didn’t work on this occasion. Unknowingly she slept on a basket of clean washing, and my boy bore the brunt of whatever ended up in them.
I didn’t know about this until I went to swimming with the kids, and got him changed. In public.
I was devastated for my boy. And I was embarrassed. INCREDIBLY embarrassed.
How could I let this happen!? What sort of parent does this make me look like!? People are going to think I live in this flea-infested house and don’t care about my kids!
I was, and still am, beyond upset.
When I got home, I did everything but burn the house down. I threw all of his clothes in the washing machine. Unleashed a can of fly spray into his room and let it sit there for 20 mins (and yes, I did air it out). Took the sheets of his bed and burned washed them. I even re-homed the cat!
Ok, no I didn’t do that last one, but by golly did the thought cross my mind.
I already criticise myself enough as a parent without this happening!!!
Have you had anything like this happen? Perhaps where you felt embarrassed about it?
>> Friday Favourites Link Up! <<
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