The Second Child: Outings

The Second Child by Happy Mum Happy ChildMy eldest is now officially at Kindergarten 3 days a week, for 4 hours a day.  During this time I get some one-on-one time with my 18 month old.

Today we went to Butterfly Creek, and I pretty much just followed him around and let him do his own thing.  He had SUCH a great time.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the same without my girl there, leading the way.  But it was so nice for him to just explore, with no pressure to go anywhere or do anything.

Him and his sister are like chalk and cheese.  She would rather her and I go together and look at things.  Whereas the boy heads off without a care in the world.  He still looks to me for guidance, but he is so much more fearless.

Maybe because he is the second child?  Maybe because he’s a boy?

Either way, it’s fascinating to see the differences, and so enjoyable watching him learn and explore in a different way from my daughter.

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How nice to have one on one time, especially to Butterfly Creek! My kids are exactly the same as yours! My boy has no fear, he is an adventurer.


It is soooo lovely to sometimes do something with only one child, isn’t it?! Our kids love that too!

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