Crazy Santas

Recently the folks over at Te Atatu Toasted, let me know they have some amazing recipes on their website. So I checked them out and want to share them with you! The first one is this Crazy Santa recipe made with the Te Atatu Toasted Coco Crunchies.



  • 100 grams melted dark chocolate
  • 8 large strawberries
  • 1 cup Te Atatu Toasted Coco Crunchies
  • 1 small tub of super thick greek yoghurt
  • 8 whole Fresh As Freeze Dried Raspberries
  • 1 syringe or a piping bag with a tiny nozzle


  1. Place Coco Crunchies in a small bowl and melt chocolate in another bowl.
  2. Cut the stalk off the strawberry so it can sit flat and carefully dip into the chocolate one side of the strawberry then the other leaving space at the front of the strawberry to make his face.
  3. Dip each strawberry into the Coco Crunchies to coat.
  4. Place in the fridge for about 5 minutes so the coating can set.
  5. Fill the piping bag or well cleaned syringe with thick yoghurt and put 2 dots on for his eyes and then make his beard, finally put a small dollop on top to to stick his raspberry hat to.
  6. Place the hat on and put a Coco Crunchie in each eye dot.
  7. ENJOY!!

Thank you Te Atatu Toasted for allowing me to share this wonderful recipe!

Crazy Santas


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