5 Ways to Remove Food Colouring

Removing Food Colouring EDITEDSo you’ve used food colouring, and didn’t use gloves.  Sounds like something I would do.  Apart from starting to look like the Hulk, and scaring your kids, it is kind of annoying having coloured hands.

FIRSTLY – wash your hands with soap and water.  Try and remove as much of the colouring first.  Then dry your hands and try the following:

1.  Rubbing Alcohol
Pour rubbing alcohol on your hands – do this over the sink.  Then spend a few minutes scrubbing until the colour comes off.  Don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards with soap.

2.  Baking Soda & Vinegar
After washing as much of the colour off with normal soap, wet a cloth with white vinegar and wipe your hands down.  If this doesn’t completely remove the colour, then you will need to try baking soda.  Wash your hands again to remove the vinegar, and then make a paste from baking soda and water (2 parts baking soda, 1 part water).  Apply the paste to your hands and remember – DO NOT LEAVE THE PASTE ON FOR TOO LONG.  The baking soda can burn your hands.  Rub the paste into your hands and if necessary use a tooth brush or nail scrubber to get into nails.

3.  Dish Washing Liquid & Laundry Powder
Make a paste out of laundry powder and dish washing liquid.  Rub the paste onto your hands, and use a brush to remove the colouring.  Rinse hands afterwards.

4.  Nail Polish Remover
Soak a dry flannel in nail polish remover and get wiping!

5.  Salt & Vinegar / Lemon Juice
Again, make a paste from salt and vinegar (or lemon juice).  I have tried 5 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of vinegar.  Massage the paste into your hands.  Rinse hands in warm water once finished.

If all else fails, just leave the colour on your hands.  It will eventually come off over time.  As much as being a Hulk is cool, the novelty does wear off, and so does the colour.

If you have had any luck with any other removal techniques, let me know below …

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