Confession time guys. I’ve got two fantastically amazing children. A 4 year old girl, and a 2 year old boy. We’re done. That’s it. So blessed to have one of each.
But … am I done?
My husband and I have decided not to continue having children for many reasons:
- We’re happy with our two
- We have a boy AND a girl (not a pre-requisite, but we can tick that box)
- We live comfortably financially. JUST. If we had another, it would be a huge financial strain.
- We’d have to upgrade the car (money)
- I have post natal depression – will that get worse?
- I like my sleep
- I disliked the newborn state
- Pregnancy wasn’t for me
And the list goes on …
But GEES my hormones have kicked into over drive and the last few weeks I’ve had dreams of being pregnant. I’m plagued by thoughts of having a THIRD child. WTF?!
Hormones are powerful! And the urge to have another kid can be overwhelming. To the point where I can’t stop thinking about it. The other day I woke up and was disappointed I wasn’t pregnant … HAHAHA #awkward
My husband and I talk about everything, so he knows how I feel.
Have any of you felt like this? Did the feelings go away eventually? Or did you just have another (haha) … ?