The Flatmate Situation



The Flatmate Situation 01


Last night, on my Happy Mum Happy Child Facebook page, I posted about how my husband and I sometimes feel like flatmates.  Best friends first-and-foremost, but sometimes the line gets blurred …

About how sometimes we don’t even fall asleep in the same bed at the same time because he’s a night owl, and I’m an early riser.  We become like ships passing in the night.

The response was overwhelming – you guys agreed.

As a couple we know what we need to do.  We need to put effort in.  We need to make time for ourselves.  We need to have a date night – blah blah blah.  WE KNOW.  But like I said, sometimes life gets in the way and we forget.  Time slips away, and before we know it, it’s been months since we’ve fallen asleep in the same bed, at the same time.

A few of you said “it’s really important to have you time, you need to make it a priority”.  TOTALLY understand.  Sometimes it’s easier said than done though.

We have amazing parents, on both sides.  They would drop everything in a heart beat to look after our kids.  And they have a GREAT relationship with them too – so it’s never an issue.  What’s stopping it is us.  Our lives as a family.

I’m sure you guys understand.

We LOVE being together and spending time together as a family.  

As the kids grow older (they’re 2 and 4 now), it becomes easier for us to throw them in with our parents.  Especially now that their sleeps are getting better.

I have dreams of a night away, at a flash hotel.  Ice Cream.  Wine.  Movies.  Sex.  You name it – we will do it. HAHAHA TMI probably but IDGAF.

We will miss our kids, briefly, but I know we will enjoy ourselves.  Not worrying about being woken during the night.  Watching TV uninterrupted.

I am looking forward to that moment … but for now … flatmates.  With benefits (if he’s lucky) ????


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