A Mother in the United States took her daughter home to find that the daycare facility her daughter goes to, allegedly took it upon themselves to wax her daughter’s eyebrows.
The authorities in the United States have since launched an investigation into this, but just the thought of it absolutely blows me away.
The girls’ mother took her photos to Facebook to express her horror at the actions that were taken:
Here’s the original Facebook post, with accompanying videos that the Mum posted:
After the incident took place, the girl’s Mum contacted the director of the centre via text message. The director sadly gave multiple excuses, and then later when the Mum talked to her in person, the director laughed in her face.
As a mother of two children, this absolutely disgusts me.
Nobody has any right to touch my child without my permission.
At my child’s Kindergarten, we have to sign a permission slip giving the Kindergarten authority to apply sunscreen if necessary, throughout the day.
That is not something that worries me but they still ask for permission because it’s the right thing to do.
I truly hope in this instance that all is not as it seems and maybe it’s even fake news! But if it is for real, then I am truly saddened.
And honestly why the heck does a Daycare have waxing facilities on its premises?!! BIZARRE!
What do you think!? Let me know!