Doidy Cups

Doidy Cups Do you have a baby who refuses a bottle?  Or, would you like your child to learn how to drink from a cup?  The Doidy Cup is the PERFECT cup to give your baby/child.

Recommended for ages 3 months upwards, the Doidy Cup has two handles, and a uniquely slanted base and top, allowing the child to see the liquid, giving them better control and making it easier to get the water from the cup to their mouth.

I have a 3 year old and a 12 month old.  The 3 year old has no problem drinking from a cup, so I wasn’t worried about her.  The 12 month old is definitely at the right time in his life to learn how to use a cup, so this was a perfect experiment for him.

The cups are made from food safe materials and are BPA free.  They’re extremely colourful, and have 2 handles, making it easier for little hands.

The idea is to put a little bit of water in the cup, take the cup to your child’s mouth and and show them how to drink from it.  Then, let the child figure it out for themselves.  Well, like I said, that’s the idea …

Photo 27-01-15 11 36 29 amTHE EXPERIENCE
Firstly, my 12 month old refused to let me put it to his mouth.  He was determined to do it by himself.  Next, he tipped the water all down himself, which gave him an almighty fright.  It was hard not to laugh.  THEN, he put his sandwich in the cup of water (which I had replaced after the spilling incident).  I like to think my kids are intelligent, but these types of things make me wonder ….

After a couple of days of this, something clicked and he got it.  It also helped that his sister showed him how it works, they always bloody learn best from other kids!  He still has moments where he forgets there is liquid in it, but mostly because he can see it, it makes it easier.

I highly recommend this as a way to learn to drink from a cup.  Because the child can see the liquid, it is so much easier for them to gauge how much is going in to their mouth and WHEN it’s going in.

If you have a baby, it is much easier for them to drink from as well, and I wish I had known about this when my daughter was younger and refusing to take the bottle.

I would like to say that drinking from a cup won’t happen instantly (unless you have a non mung-bean child), it’ll take a couple of days, and there may be spills and tears.  But it’s all a learning process, and it is well worth it.

Doidy Cups can be purchased direct from their website –

They are $15 each, and come in a range of colours.

The cups are one-size-fits-all, and can go from baby (3 months) up to adults.  Did you know that the cups are GREAT for the elderly (which, let’s be honest, is all of us LOLLL)?! Because the cup has handles, it makes it easier to control it.

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