Easy Meatballs

Whether you have lamb mince, beef mince, or even pork mince; this meatball recipe is easy to make, and easy to tailor to your own needs – especially if you have random vegetables in your pantry.

I do not add any egg or breadcrumbs as I find it is not needed to hold the meatball together. I also use Pepper & Me’s Man Rub, but you can use any other herbs/spices if you want./


  • 500 grams mince (lamb, beef, chicken or pork – you choose!)
  • 1 brown onion
  • 1 red apple
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celery stick
  • 2-3 mushrooms
  • Any other random veggies you have that you want to add
  • 3 tablespoons Pepper & Me’s Man Rub (or Italian Herbs if you don’t have the Man Rub)
Snapchat: happymumnz


  1. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. Using a food processor, add the vegetables and pulse until all chopped up (I have a Nutri Ninja Auto IQ Food Processor).
  3. Add the mince, and herbs/spices, and pulse until combined.
  4. Get a cookie tray (the ones with edges, not a flat one) and line it with tin foil. Place a wire rack over the top of it, and spray the rack with oil. Roll tablespoon-sized balls using your hands, and put them onto the wire rack.
  5. I actually use anl Ice Cream / Cookie Dough Scoop (like the one I bought from Stevens) to roll the balls – which means I just don’t get my hands dirty. YASSS.
  6. Put them in the oven for 15-20 minutes. No need to turn them.
  7. I use the baking tray method to ensure they cook properly, and to collect the fat drippings.
  8. Pull them out and let them cool down. I usually make this Tomato Sauce recipe to go with it, and I personally eat them with rice, but you can also use pasta (or rice noodles depending on your needs).
Snapchat: happymumnz


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