It’s me – Maria. I am Happy Mum Happy Child.
I’m a stay-at-home-mother to two children. A 2 year old boy and a 4 year old girl.
Born and raised in South Auckland.
Been with my best friend, and husband for 10 years now. Married for 5 years.
I have post natal depression and have had it for almost 4 years now. I still struggle.
I started Happy Mum Happy Child 18 months ago to share the activities I did with my kids and it has built from there. My website is now a hive of activity – recipes, blog posts, giveaways, funny crap, stupid crap. You name it, it’s here.
I run a Facebook page, an Instagram account, a weird Snapchat (happymumnz) account and a Twitter account.
I’m called a “blogger” but sometimes feel like a fraud because I am not a very good writer. I just spew stuff from my brain, through the keyboard, onto your screens.
When I’m not “parenting”, I’m on my phone or on my computer. I’m addicted to social media.
I love wine. And coffee. In that order.
I am BFF’s with Kmart.
I am a geek. I love Sci Fi. I love Ian Somerhalder.
I am a regular Mum. Just like you.
I try and make my kids food look semi-interesting to make me feel better about my average parenting skills.
You guys keep me sane. Every single comment you make, I see it. Every single thing you post on my page, I see it. And I appreciate all of it. Don’t appreciate some of the douchebag comments but that comes with the territory haha … and I can hide / delete anything I don’t like.
Happy Mum Happy Child is one person. Me. It’s my fourth child (after my kids, and my husband LOLOL).
Happy Mum Happy Child is about keeping parents sane. Keeping me sane. Keeping you sane.
I never thought in a million years that it would be where it is at today. I have gotten to do so many amazing things I would never thought possible. Heck I went on a photoshoot last week!
I have gotten to know SO many amazing people. Like you. Reading this. I feel like Happy Mum Happy Child is a wee community of people. Mums, Dads, Grandparents. We are all in this together, and I love you all for taking part in my page.
I love it when people meet me in real life and introduce themselves to me – it literally makes my day.
Who knows what the future has in store for me, or for Happy Mum Happy Child, but I hope you guys stay with me. We are in this together. Through thick and thin.
Oh and yes, I did take a selfie the other night while I was getting a smear test. Some of you said “you wouldn’t be crazy enough to do that”… oh yes, yes I am! Those who guessed correctly WELL DONE! I will collate your names and pick a winner. I’ll let you know shortly.
PS don’t forget to get yourself checked regularly ladies – smear tests are important!

You guys rocked last week’s link up! So many people took part, and I can tell you that myself, Lisasaurus, Teacher by Trade Mother by Nature, and Misses Mac were SO grateful!
The top click through for last week was the Voodoo Molly Vintage Paint post from Misses Mac – WELL DONE!!! 😍
Have you found an awesome blog this week that you want to share with me? Written an awesome blog yourself?
Click the “ADD MY LINK” button below and share it with us!
Not familiar with this process? Head over to my FIRST POST and read the rules, and then come back here (you can’t post your link on the other page as it won’t work, you will have to do it here).
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Remember: if you take part in this link up, and link to a blog of your own, would love it if you let other people know you have taken part by including the Friday Favourites button on it 🙂 The button is below after the link up 🙂
