Friday Favourites: The One With Constance Hall

© Maria Foy | Happy Mum Happy Child

Friday Favourites: The One With Constance Hall

Another week done and dusted. It’s been an interesting week – with some highs and lows for me. Especially mentally. I didn’t talk about this with you guys, but after coming back from Wellington I did struggle a bit. However, I got some great news earlier in the week: I got invited by Sera to attend the taping of All The Talk with Anika Moa, when she interviewed Constance Hall.

What has been your favourite (or least favourite) thing about this week?  Check out my five things:


FAVOURITE: Constance Hall AND Anika Moa

As I said above, I got the opportunity to meet both Constance Hall AND Anika Moa; and I was beyond excited. Both women were extremely well spoken, and Constance was very inspirational in person. I’ve only read 3/4s of her book and so far it is a fascinating insight into her life. Anika, well Anika was f’ing hilarious. I’m so glad she has her own show because she deserves all the successes that come her way – and the way she interviews is SO on point. It’s completely my sense of humour, and I almost peed myself at one point I was laughing so hard. If you haven’t seen it, then you need to check out All Talk on Maori Television.



Every now-and-then I get told that I should stop swearing. Or that people don’t like the fact that I swear. Normally I brush it off, or have a good bitch to my husband, but yesterday’s comment got to me so I addressed it in a few (LOTS) of Snaps on Snapchat (happymumnz), and through a blog titled I Am Allowed To Swear



After more than a lifetime without a proper front fence, we finally had the money to have a fence built out the front. Since we moved in here, the fence has been inadequate, meaning the kids couldn’t play out the front. On Thursday the fence was built, with a freaking awesome as farm gate that we scored from the property next door (they didn’t want it) and we haven’t looked back. The kids absolutely LOVE playing out the front of the house, and I love knowing they’re safe and won’t venture out onto the road.




My eating has been TERRIBLE. Ever since I went to Wellington, I’ve indulged waaay too much. In fact I’ve even been eating gluten foods, and my body and mind is suffering. One of the reasons my mood has been so up and down is because of the gluten surging through my body. I get a sore stomach as a result of gluten, and my mood is also hugely affected. I really need to get back on track with this and get back to my normal self.


FAVOURITE: The General Collective Christmas Market

This is happening tomorrow, but The General Collective is having their annual Christmas Market. I’m actually helping my friend Lisa out, she runs Owl & Monkey. It’s happening on Saturday, 12th November 2016, from 9am – 3pm. It’s at the ASB Showgrounds in Greenlane, and there is a $2 fee to enter (under 15 are free). It’s really good to remember that not all stalls have eftpos facilities, so bring cash; there will be a way to get cash out if you need it though, so don’t panic.


>>>>   Friday Favourites Link Up   <<<<

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We are changing it up a bit here for the Friday Favourites link up! We want you to start thinking about YOUR favourites (or least favourites) for the week and if you’re keen, share it here! It could literally be a post of your own that you’ve loved, or you could create a post similar to ours – simply listing your favourites!

We want to encourage everyone: bloggers, parents, human beings, to look back on the week and think positively. No matter how shit it’s been.

Your hosts for Friday Favourites, as always, are myself (Happy Mum Happy Child), and Lisasaurus.

How it works:

  1. Copy the link to a post of yours: it could be your own Friday Favourites, or one you’ve just loved
  2. Click on the ADD YOUR LINK button, which is below
  3. Simply follow the instructions and post the link. TOO EASY!

Any giveaways will be deleted, and the link must point to a blog post, not just your blog. A link back to here, on your post, is always appreciated.

Submissions open every Friday.


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