Friday Favourites: The One About Music

Friday Favourites:
The One About Music

The One About Music

I had a lot of self doubt this week which put me into a bit of a funk. I also had a dentist appointment, and the first part of my root canal treatment took place. I’m an anxious person as it is, and the Dentist truly freaks me out. However, it went well and I’m not scarred for life haha … Don’t forget, if you have a favourite blog, please share it with us below by clicking on the “ADD YOUR LINK” button.


1. Smoothies

I became a bit smoothie obsessed this week – I love having a smoothie for breakfast, and after being at the Dentist and having trouble eating, the smoothie was perfect!  I had a brilliant idea on Snapchat that someone should make pre-made smoothie packs, that can just be blended up – and you guys responded by telling me about the Real Smoothie Co. I ordered 4 smoothies and wasn’t disappointed – they were pretty good! I also heard a lot about these awesome smoothie packs from the Supermarket called “Serious Smoothies” – I will be trying this as well!

Screen Shot 2016-08-20 at 5.45.23 AM


2. Music

You guys don’t know this but music often saves my life – and this week was no exception. As a girl growing up in the 90’s some of my favourite music is from back then … I sometimes have random dance parties on my Snapchat (happymumnz) and put together a compilation showing how much of an idiot I am …



4. Actual Adult Interaction

On Thursday I went for a play date with some other Mum’s I’d met through a New Zealand Business Page on Facebook. I LOVE doing shit like this because not only does it get me out of the house, but it gives me the opportunity to talk to actual adults. Even if we just talk about our kids the entire time! So grateful for the opportunity ????

Adult Interaction

Lisa from Owl & Monkey, and Helen from Celestial Silver


5. The Baby Show

If you didn’t know, I worked at The Baby Show in Auckland today. I am helping my friend Tracey out, who runs August Boutique. The Baby Show is on ALL weekend, and I can tell you that there are some amazing bargains here. GENUINE bargains. I worked at The Baby Show last year and was skeptical that the stuff was actually a good deal – BUT IT IS. TRUST ME.

I also met so many of you today and I am so grateful for those who came up and said hi to me (and to those who just walked passed and didn’t say anything) … it means so much to me that you follow my crazy antics as a parent. I truly believe we are all in this parenting thing together, in one way or another, and your continued support means the world to me.

If you head to The Baby Show this weekend, be sure to come and see Tracey and I – we’re on the August Boutique stand in Hall 3.

Tracey and I at The Baby Show


You guys have been amazing this week, as per usual haha … you have such amazing words of encouragement for myself and for others and I am truly grateful. I am aware each of us is on our own journey, and has our own struggles, but am in awe of the fact you still have enough strength in you to be kind to an idiot like me. Thank you.

What has been your favourite thing (or things) about this week?  Let me know below! See you tonight on the LIVE stream (on my Facebook page) at 8pm!


>>>>   Friday Favourites Link Up   <<<<

This is a link collaboration which we have started in the hopes that it will help all of us read some more blogs.  So this is your one-stop-shop for blogs!

Your hosts for Friday Favourites are myself (Happy Mum Happy Child), and Lisasaurus.

If you decide you want to start writing your own Friday Favourites, you can include them here too.

To join the party, simply link to your favourite blog post.  It could be one you’ve written, or one you’ve read during the week which you really loved. Then visit a few other bloggers for a read and a chat.  A link back here on your post is appreciated ????

How it works:

  1. Find a post you’ve loved this week (it could be yours, or someone else’s)
  2. Copy the link, and then click on the ADD YOUR LINK button, which is below
  3. Simply follow the instructions and post the link. TOO EASY!

Any giveaways will be deleted, and the link must point to a blog post, not just your blog.

Submissions open 7pm Friday!!


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