Friday Favourites: The One About Depression

Friday Favourites:
The One About Depression

The One About Depression

I had a bit of a down week this week, well certainly at the start of it. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and I double my post-natal depression medication. It has been a wonderful decision and I regret nothing. PS if you have a favourite blog, please share it with us below by clicking on the “ADD YOUR LINK” button.  PPS I will be going live tonight at 8pm if you’re keen to come and chat!


1. Medication

I fucking love what medication does for me. It brings me back to my normal self – it doesn’t make me ridiculously happy. Nor does it make me someone I’m not. The medication I take (Citalopram) makes me feel normal. I still get angry. I still cry. I still function as a person – it’s just not as extreme as it was. I get angry about regular stuff – not about ridiculously silly things.


2. Gin

I’m not even sugar coating it this week – Gin (yes the alcohol) has been welcomed into the house like an old friend. IDGAF what that says about me – thank you Gin for being my friend, alongside my meds. FAR OUT that’s terrible Maria … HAHA


3. Kmart

My third friend this week was Kmart. After I had a bit of a breakdown over the amount of clutter in our house, I went to Kmart and bought a few cheap storage solutions and then set to tidying the house. Thank you Kmart for being affordable.


4. You

After I admitted to needing to up my PND pills, I was inundated with messages of support and it truly meant the world to me. You guys get me through each and every single week and for that I am grateful, and you will forever be my favourites.


What has been your favourite thing (or things) about this week?  Let me know below! See you tonight on the LIVE stream (on my Facebook page) at 8pm!


>>>>   Friday Favourites Link Up   <<<<

This is a link collaboration which we have started in the hopes that it will help all of us read some more blogs.  So this is your one-stop-shop for blogs!

Your hosts for Friday Favourites are myself (Happy Mum Happy Child), and Lisasaurus.

If you decide you want to start writing your own Friday Favourites, you can include them here too.

To join the party, simply link to your favourite blog post.  It could be one you’ve written, or one you’ve read during the week which you really loved. Then visit a few other bloggers for a read and a chat.  A link back here on your post is appreciated ????

How it works:

  1. Find a post you’ve loved this week (it could be yours, or someone else’s)
  2. Copy the link, and then click on the ADD YOUR LINK button, which is below
  3. Simply follow the instructions and post the link. TOO EASY!

Any giveaways will be deleted, and the link must point to a blog post, not just your blog.

Submissions open 7pm Friday!!


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