Friday Favourites: The One With The Food

Friday Favourites: 

The One With The Food

The One With The Food

Back to School for the kids this week – and back to Kindy for my daughter.  After almost 4 weeks together (thanks to bugs before the School Holidays), it was well and truly overdue. Looking back on the week positively is a great way for me to live my life, and this week I actually had heaps to talk about! Read all about my 5 favourite things this week and be sure to let me know below – what’s been your favourite thing about this week?


1. Bargain Box

I got sent a Bargain Box this week – which is a more affordable option from the My Food Bag family. We received the Classic 5 box, which is 5 meals for four people. Unfortunately it wasn’t gluten free, so I couldn’t indulge, but I absolutely LOVE the concept behind these types of services.

I didn’t have to worry about dinner, and actually surprised myself by prepping a lot of the smaller chop-up jobs, earlier in the day. As I’m sure you all know, making dinner for the whole family can be very difficult with screaming, tired children. So I tried to do as much prep-work earlier.

The meals were simple enough for me to make, but different from what I normally make – which I thought was great for my kids.

The Classic 5 box is priced at $120. And although the service is fantastic, I’d have to be earning money to be able to indulge in a service like this. Highly recommend to anyone who can though!

Follow me on Snapchat (username: happymumnz) to see some of the other meals I make … I didn’t get a chance to make all of them and I always Snapchat that stuff because it makes me look like I majorly know what I’m doing (when I definitely don’t) HAHA


2. The Food Show

I got sent Media Passes to attend The Food Show and I was ridiculously grateful. I’ve never been to The Food Show before, so was excited to go and see what it was like. Fortunately my husband was able to take the morning off work, so we took the opportunity to enjoy a moment alone together.

The Food Show was great – hardly anyone was there. It was a little overwhelming though – there were a lot of stalls there. A lot of the food was sadly not gluten free, but I didn’t go there expecting it to be. Pretty much the only thing I wanted to eat were the pies.  OH GOSH DO I MISS THE PIES!

The Food Show runs all weekend, so if you’re in Auckland, be sure to check it out!

We did pick up a few neat things while we were there:


3. The Sisters Wine Shatterproof Wine Glasses

I popped into the The Sisters Wine stall while I was atThe Food Show, to introduce myself to the wonderful women behind the amazing wine. They have sent me a few bottles of their wine over the last year or so, and I am truly grateful to them. Plus their wine is amazing!

They must have a special on for The Food Show, as they had Globelet Vino Shatterproof Glasses. I was very very lucky to be given a set of these and I am OVER THE MOON!

As a lot of you know, I broke all of my glasses, and for the last six months have been using a Supermarket plastic wine glass HAHA. So I was stoked to receive a set of these!


4. My Mum

I am grateful to both my parents AND my husband’s parents. However, this week and last, my Mum has been amazing. Often she drops everything to help me look after the kids if I need it. I hate having to ask for favours, but she loves looking after the kids.

It’s not often I have to go out, but when I do, it is nice to know her (and my in-laws) would be there in a heartbeat.


5. Kindergarten

Praise the lord for Kindergarten – and the amazing teachers who work there! As I said above, my girl had been at home with us for almost 4 weeks due to sickness and School Holidays. Normally I LOVE having her around for that long, but 4 weeks, 2 of which were stuck inside, so we were all driving each other nuts.

She was so excited to go back there, and the week has gone extremely well. I can see her growing before my eyes and it is so scary – I never thought I’d say those words!


What has been your favourite thing (or things) about this week?  Let me know below, and don’t forget I’m streaming LIVE on my Facebook page tonight at 8.15pm NZ time!


>>>>   Friday Favourites Link Up   <<<<

This is a link collaboration which we have started in the hopes that it will help all of us read some more blogs.  So this is your one-stop-shop for blogs!

Your hosts for Friday Favourites are myself (Happy Mum Happy Child), and Lisasaurus.

If you decide you want to start writing your own Friday Favourites, you can include them here too.

To join the party, simply link to your favourite blog post.  It could be one you’ve written, or one you’ve read during the week which you really loved. Then visit a few other bloggers for a read and a chat.  A link back here on your post is appreciated ????

How it works:

  1. Find a post you’ve loved this week (it could be yours, or someone else’s)
  2. Copy the link, and then click on the ADD YOUR LINK button, which is below
  3. Simply follow the instructions and post the link. TOO EASY!

Any giveaways will be deleted, and the link must point to a blog post, not just your blog.

Submissions open 7pm Friday!!


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