Friday Favourites: The One About The Toy Sale

© The Warehouse NZ

Friday Favourites: The One About The Toy Sale

Good golly miss Molly, this week has been drama filled. From being falsely accused of being a bully, to getting nasty opinions about how many times a week I bath my kids – it’s been dramatic. Regardless of the negative, here’s my favourite things from the week

Don’t forget this is a LINK UP! What that means is you can share your favourite blog from the week (if you run one), or perhaps something you have read. Just scroll to the bottom.

What has been your favourite (or least favourite) thing about this week?  Check out my five things:


FAVOURITE: Standing up for us all having a difference in opinion

At the end of the day, I’m a really open-minded human being. IDGAF what you do with your kids, but here’s what I do:


FAVOURITE: The Dough Queen

The amazing people over at the Dough Queen sent me one of their natural dough range plus their BioGiltter – which is a biodegradable and ocean safe glitter that you can add to your Dough Queen dough. My kids LOVE play dough, so I’m super chuffed to be able to have this in our house for them to play with.


FAVOURITE: The Warehouse Toy Sale

Every year The Warehouse have their annual toy sale, which means I get to buy my kids some birthday and Christmas presents early and stock them in the house. Both my kids have their birthdays around Christmas so it’s the perfect opportunity to grab a deal.

Have you gotten something for your kids?



Emma, from EMCO, has graciously given me a full micro-blading session to get my eyebrows on point. It’s been a work in progress for the last six months as we were getting the shading right, but it’s finally perfect (I went chose to go too light to start with). Emma knows what she is doing and I highly recommend her.

EMCO Cosmetic Tattooing has all the details of her services here.


FAVOURITE: My Children

I’m parenting alone at the moment and my kids are just bloody amazing. They drive me insane but I love them with all of my heart. They keep me going when I feel like I just can’t do it anymore (being a parent that is).


Have you written a Friday Favourites Blog? Or perhaps you just have a favourite blog of yours that you’d like to share – well you can do it here! We want to encourage everyone: bloggers, parents, human beings, to look back on the week and think positively. No matter how shit it’s been.

Your hosts for Friday Favourites, as always, are myself (Happy Mum Happy Child), and Lisa from No Filter Mum.

How it works:

  1. Copy the link to a post of yours: it could be your own Friday Favourites, or one you’ve just loved
  2. Click on the ADD YOUR LINK button, which is below
  3. Simply follow the instructions and post the link. TOO EASY!

Any giveaways will be deleted, and the link must point to a blog post, not just your blog. A link back to here, on your post, is always appreciated.

Submissions open every Friday at 7am.


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