Holding My Wobbly Bits In

© Maria | Happy Mum Happy Child

Holding My Wobbly Bits In

Since having babies, my body just isn’t the same; and I’ve come to realise it may never be. My skin is pretty stretched around my stomach. My first child was 7lb 15oz and I had only a few stretch marks. My boy, however, was 9lb 6oz and proved to stretch me further than anything before. Plus, my boy was an emergency C-Section. So that flabby, stretchy stomach hangs down.

Not only that, I am struggling to get back to my pre-baby weight. Weight-loss as I get older, seems to be getting harder. Not only that, as a parent, I do find it difficult to find the time to exercise.

I have since come to realise I probably won’t ever get back to what I used to look like; and I’m ok with that. Being healthy on the inside is just as important.

So while I’m working on the inside, I’m going to work with what I’ve got on the outside.



When it comes to fashion, I’m not really into it. I used to be a Glassons girl (but clearly am too old for that now), so now I’m a Kmart girl, or a “whatever I can find that fits” girl. I love wearing baggy shirts, and tight pants. Because I don’t want to feel TOO big, but also want to hide the bits I don’t like (namely stomach and hips). So these are my staples:

Oversized Tee from Boohoo.com
Body Shaping Leggings from Zara

I bought a few of the oversized tees, and have a couple of pairs of the leggings from Zara. That link for the Zara leggings is an international link, only because they don’t have a NZ website; but those are DEFINITELY the pants I own.




I don’t wear shapewear every single day. That shit is restrictive, and some of it doesn’t have easy access to go to the toilet. Which is why I wear oversized tees. I wear shapewear when I need to wear tighter fitting clothing and don’t want to feel self conscious about my wobbly bits.

There is nothing wrong with this. You’ve heard me say before – I don’t have to love my body; but learning to deal with it, and make it work for me, that I can do. So I wear shapewear every now and then, to make me feel good about myself.

I find the range of Hold Me Tight shapewear from The Warehouse to be amazing. I couldn’t find the EXACT same one that I have, on their website, so I have linked to it through the Zodee website below (to give you an idea of what it looks like):

Hold Me Tight Seamless Bodysuit – this is the body suit I have

That particular bodysuit does NOT have facilities to remove easily to go to the toilet. So once you commit to this, you’re in it for a decent period of time because there’s NO way you’ll want to faff about taking it on and off.

hold-me-tight-shapewearImage from zodee.co.nz


What I love the MOST about that type of body suit, is that it is shapewear EVERYWHERE. Not just on my stomach. I have bought a different brand of shapewear from Farmers before and ended up being disappointed, because it was tight around the stomach but normal everywhere else.

You might like this, but I do not. I want to feel safe and secure EVERYWHERE. Also, the fact this has a legging part really works for me as I wear skirts and dresses sometimes. If the wind was to take the skirt to a place I don’t want it to, then I’m well and truly covered.

If you’re looking for some shapewear, then I suggest you shop around. What works for me might not work for you.

Places that sell shapewear are Farmers, The Warehouse, Kmart, Zodee, Bendon Lingerie AND A WHOLE HEAP MORE. Feel free to Google it if you need more suggestions than this.


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