I Have Been Inspired

© Maria Foy | Happy Mum Happy Child

This trip to Wellington has inspired me.

Not specifically that it was Wellington, although Wellington was amazing; I’ll be coming back you beautiful thing!

More so that I got to spend some time away from the family and actually take a breath. It did take me at least 12-16 hours to completely relax, but once I did, I felt inspired.


I was primarily in Wellington to speak at a Perinatal Depression Awareness event – a High Tea to raise funds for the Perinatal Depression & Anxiety Awareness Aotearoa Organisation. Myself, Emily (from Emily Writes), and Leah McFall were speaking about our experiences with Depression.

It really was an amazing event. I got to meet so many fabulous mothers, and speak about my experience with depression. That part was the best. I love speaking; and love encouraging others to share their own experiences. Because the more we talk about it, the less stigma there is around it.


I was actually inspired in a few of ways while I was here.

I was inspired to learn to take some more time out by myself, and to encourage my husband to do the same (although he does go away every now and then for work, so I don’t think that’s an issue). The time away from the family, although I missed them incredibly, helped me to clear my head.

I was inspired to write. I started reading Constance Hall’s book and it made me think back to my own journey with parenting. I started feeling something inside and had to write it down. So far it’s almost 4,000 words, and looking to be some kind of book (or really long blog, but I doubt it). I have no need to publish a book; unless someone pays to do it, but writing it down has been incredibly cathartic. I still have a crap load more to write but I started, and it has made me feel so good. It has made me feel inspired.

I have also been inspired to get a new tattoo; and expand on my existing one. I currently have a butterfly tattoo on my left wrist – it’s blue and signifies the beginning of my parenting journey; specifically with depression. I want to add to this, and then on my other wrist have a plan for a new tattoo. Just have to find the right tattoo artist …


I never realised this time away would help me like this, which is why I think it’s important every-now-and-then I continue to do it. And why I think it’s important for my husband to do it. We both deserve the time out from the family – especially if we are fortunate enough to be in the position to do so.

I also encourage you all to try and do the same. I will be working hard to try and see if I can organise a few things for you guys so that you can take a moment for yourself.

It’s not easy to step back, especially if you have no money. In fact, it can almost be impossible. But I do think it’s truly important.


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