Introducing: Simply Clean


Introducing: Simply Clean


Simply Clean is a range of cleaning products designed by mum of three – Victoria.  She designed them to promote safe hygiene practices in the home or office.

We all know know we should be a bit better with our hygiene practices, but often don’t have the time or energy to focus on that aspect of cleaning. So before we know it the kitchen cloth is being used to wipe something off the floor, and then back to the bench again; and you definitely can’t remember which cloth is for the bathroom.

Simply Clean makes this easier by having colour coded and specially printed products specific to each room / task.


The Product

Simply Clean have a wide range of products suitable to different areas inside the home and outside. I highly recommend checking out the Simply Clean website for their full list but here are a few of my favourite:

Microfibre 3 Pack
1 pack, 3 solutions – dusting, glass, kitchen

Microfibre Wipes
All purpose wipes that are super hygienic, super absorbent and reusable

Kitchen Set
Microfibre Sponge Scrubbers

Soap Dispensing Dish Brush
A soap dispensing brush ideal for your kitchen and bathroom.

Again, check out Simply Clean‘s website for their full range – which as you can see from below covers a whole range from the kitchen, to the bathroom, to even at the Gym!


The Deal

You can buy Simply Clean products direct from their website – use the code HAPPYMUM and you get a 10% discount!

Or if you’re in New Zealand, from Briscoes, or at Rebel Sports (for the fitness products).

If you’re in Australia, you can get some of the Simply Clean range from Coles.



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The wonderful team over at Simply Clean have got a 3 hour Home Clean (valued at $200) for one lucky winner, and a runner up prize of a selection of products from Simply Clean.

To enter, click below to use the Dango App:

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