Kids & Kissing


Kids & Kissing

There’s a lot of controversy around the whole “should parents kiss their kids on the lips” and all that jazz.

When I read stuff like that, I honestly just roll my eyes. Like seriously – they’re kids. They don’t know anything until we teach them. My girl, who is 5, likes to be kissed on the cheek. Whereas my boy kisses me on the lips. I do whatever they want.

The other day my 5 year old daughter came home from school and said “Mum I kissed a boy today” and I was absolutely mortified. You’re only FIVE girl?! WTF ARE YOU DOING KISSING A BOY!?

If you are following me on Snapchat (happymumnz), you may remember me talking about this. Basically I couldn’t tell if she was kissing everyone (boys and girls) or just this boy. And I couldn’t tell if it was a kiss on the lips or the cheek.

Eventually she told me it was on the cheek and it was because “he’s my friend and I love him” – which I completely understand.

I teach our kids that “my favourite thing to do to my children, whom I love, is to kiss you”. So I understand that she would think that.

At the time though I was confused; absolutely and utterly unsure how to handle the situation. I mean, she’s only five, so there’s only so much I can say.

After giving it a few minutes, I pulled her aside and said “I’d really like it if you saved your kisses for Mummy and Daddy at this stage”.

She said “but I love my friends” … and I said “I understand that, but kisses are for Mummy and Daddy only”.

I don’t know if it was right or not, but I don’t want her thinking kissing ANYONE (boys or girls) at this age is acceptable.

What would you have done in that situation? Did I handle it ok?


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