New Like Buttons!


Have you seen the new Facebook Like Button options?

Check it out guys! Just logged into Happy Mum Happy Child on my computer this morning to see that there are additional options when you like a post.


In its News Feed algorithm, Facebook will count each reaction in the same way it counts likes. Though that doesn’t mean it won’t change over time.

So far, I can’t see it on my mobile phone, but from a computer I definitely can. Simply hover over the LIKE button and the extra options will come up.

UPDATE: my mobile phone has now updated and you simply hold your finger on the LIKE button and the options will appear.

FB Buttons 01

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry! They roll these things out slowly, and in the past when new features have been added, I’ve felt like one of the last to receive them.

What do you think of these new options?


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