Recently Simon Hall, the host of Nourish Life, reached out asking to be on one of his episodes and I gladly said yes!
I love talking!
Our chat was a little bit about my story / Happy Mum Happy Child and then we delved into parenting, self care, social media for children, depression and so much more!
I actually feel like Simon and I have similar thinking when it comes to life and I found myself nodding (which obviously can’t be heard) every time he spoke haha
Nourish Life is all about chatting to people from all over the world, from all walks of life, about their stories, experiences, adventures, challenges, insights and ideas. Simon brings together a show that helps, inspires and gives us the tools needed to go out there and win in life. Not just physically but emotionally and mentally too.
Here’s the different ways you can listen.
Thanks so much to Simon for having me on – be sure to check out Simon on social media:
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