NZ Government Bans Smoking In Cars With Children

Finally, New Zealand has stepped up and is banning smoking in cars with children.

Last year Duncan Garner, from the AM Show, called for the Government to ban smoking in cars with children, and the Government has listened. Duncan Garner has previously started a petition to ban smoking in cars, and it got a whopping 28,000 signatures!

According to news sources below, under the law change, the police will be able to require people to stop smoking in their cars if children (under 18) are present. Police will also be able to give warnings, refer people to stop-smoking support services, or issue an infringement fee of $50.

Associate Health Minister Jenny Salesa said too many children, especially Māori and Pasifika, were exposed to second-hand smoke in vehicles.

She said children were especially vulnerable to second-hand smoke because of their smaller lungs, higher respiratory rates and immature immune systems.

“Once this legislation is passed they will no longer be forced to inhale this chemical poison.”

Vaping will also be included in the prohibition and it will apply to all vehicles, whether they are parked or on the move.

This is seriously a major step forward and FINALLY the Government is moving forward with the times – it is already banned in Australia, so it’s good to see it happening here.

According to research by ASH in 2014, 100,000 children a week are exposed to second-hand smoke.

The law change will come into effect by an amendment to the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990; and it is expected that this amendment will become law by the end of 2019, and of course there will be a grace period.

Thank you to all of the supporters of this change, as well as Duncan Garner for talking about it openly and actively helping to make this happen.

If you’d like to read more about this you can read it on:

The New Zealand Herald
Radio New Zealand

What do you think about this new legislation?


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