And Who Are You?


And Who Are You


Do you think famous people care when you don’t recognise them?

I went to this Ice Age Live event today where myself and my kids were treated to some of the characters from the show, some snacks and treats, and a wee preview of the event.

I was aware it was a media event, and recognised a few familiar faces in the crowd.  However, I’m assuming the majority of them were “famous” but honestly I had no idea.

Is that embarrassing?

I couldn’t give a crap about a famous person under normal circumstances, they’re just a person to me.  HOWEVER, the only reason I would be too nervous to say hi, is for fear of them thinking “OH EM GEEE she doesn’t know who I am”.

Because I don’t.

I never do.  In fact, I’m bad with names, faces and everything in between …

I never watch TV.  Not into sports.

Do you think these famous people would be all “who does she think she is?!”, or do you think they wouldn’t care?

Because I’m just a mum – I don’t even know who I am half the time …

I’ve been thinking about this all day and I just had to share it with you.  Is it bad that I don’t know who anyone famous is?!


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