Oi! YOU! Yeah you …

© Can Stock Photo / szefei


I have a message for you…


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me.

Thank you for clicking right now.

Thank you for all the clicks you’ve given; for all the likes you’ve given; for all the shares you’ve given.

Thank you.

You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

YOU are the reason I’m successful. Seriously,

You are connecting with what I talk about, which a lot of the time I feel like is nonsense but is what I go through daily,

Depression is not easy at all and neither is parenting.

I share what I know, and you guys connect with it – and for that I am grateful. We all know that regardless if you have depression or not, PARENTING IS HARD.

So thank you; from the bottom of my heart. For all the liking, commenting, and sharing that you do, because it means the world to me.

You are the reason I am at this point. The reason I am nominated for a New Zealand Social Media Award.


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