Friday Favourites: The One About Dinner

Friday Favourites: 

The One About Dinner

The One About Dinner

This week I struggled getting the kids to eat their dinner, but eventually we got there. A few of my favourite things happened earlier in the week, and one happens tomorrow (Saturday), so it hasn’t even happened yet but I know I’m going to love it!  Don’t forget, if you have a favourite blog, please share it with us below by clicking on the “ADD YOUR LINK” button.


1. Kids Ate Their F’ing Dinner

Getting my kids to eat has always been the bane of my existence, until this week. Until I got pushed to the brink of insanity, and published a post about getting pissed off. You guys read it, and responded with a solution, and it worked. For the last four nights, my kids have eaten their dinner. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BRILLIANT SUGGESTION!


2. Sunbeam FoodSaver

I got given a Sunbeam FoodSaver to try out, and ended up doing a wee video on 5 different things you can use with the FoodSaver, other than sealing food. I absolutely love this machine – when I’m feeling motivated, I chop up all of my veggies for the week and vacuum seal them. Check out the other things you can do with it here:


3. Little Treasures Magazine

I completely forgot that I got asked a couple of questions for the Little Treasures Magazine, and was so chuffed when so many of you sent me photos of it. Thank you so much to Little Treasures Magazine for including a wee piece of me in there:

A photo posted by Maria (@happymumhappychild) on


4. The Bubbalino Kitchen Cooking Demo

Last weekend I went to Vanessa’s (from The Bubbalino Kitchen) Cooking Demo on “Winter Warming Solutions For Your Busy Family”. I’m a firm believer in the “knowledge is power” mantra, so I went along and wasn’t disappointed. Vanessa was clearly in her element, and showed us a couple of really awesome recipes that can be used in a multitude of ways. I came away feeling inspired – so thank you Vanessa!

A photo posted by Maria (@happymumhappychild) on


5. General Collective

This weekend in Auckland is the General Collective – “A superb line up of New Zealand ‘creatives’ showcasing their handmade wares” … I’ve never been to a GC Market before, but know so many amazing businesses that are there. So I’ve managed to wrangle the car from my husband and am heading off there tomorrow. I’m so excited!


What has been your favourite thing (or things) about this week?  Let me know below! See you tonight on the LIVE stream (on my Facebook page) at 8p!


>>>>   Friday Favourites Link Up   <<<<

This is a link collaboration which we have started in the hopes that it will help all of us read some more blogs.  So this is your one-stop-shop for blogs!

Your hosts for Friday Favourites are myself (Happy Mum Happy Child), and Lisasaurus.

If you decide you want to start writing your own Friday Favourites, you can include them here too.

To join the party, simply link to your favourite blog post.  It could be one you’ve written, or one you’ve read during the week which you really loved. Then visit a few other bloggers for a read and a chat.  A link back here on your post is appreciated ????

How it works:

  1. Find a post you’ve loved this week (it could be yours, or someone else’s)
  2. Copy the link, and then click on the ADD YOUR LINK button, which is below
  3. Simply follow the instructions and post the link. TOO EASY!

Any giveaways will be deleted, and the link must point to a blog post, not just your blog.

Submissions open 7pm Friday!!


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