3 Easy Steps to Revamp your Child’s Wardrobe

Guest Blog by Little Poppets

Little Poppets Guest Blog on Happy Mum Happy ChildChildren outgrow their clothing so fast. This article teaches you how you can sort your children’s outgrown clothing, donate to a good cause and get ready for selling some clothing on consignment.

Consigning your clothing is a great way of earning some money for your children’s clothing that might normally just be passed along to friends and family. Hand-me-downs are useful for the person receiving the clothing – but how about you? Consigning clothing is also a great way to fund your child’s next season’s clothing requirements too!

Sorting mountains of clothing can be overwhelming but is does not need to be. It can be as easy as one, two three!

You will need:

  1. A plastic storage container.
  2. A few plastic bags.
  3. A marker pen.
  4. Consignment form and mailing bag.

The Process: Save, Salvage and Sell.

Clear a space to organise your pile of clothing.

Label your plastic bags with ‘Donate’, ‘Consign/Sell’ and ‘Rubbish’ so that you know what the purpose of each bag is. The Storage container is reserved for clothing that you would like to save for a younger sibling, friends or family – or even for sentimental reasons.

Fill the ‘Rubbish’ bag with any clothes that do not ‘make the grade’ due to being torn, stained or ruined.

SAVE/STORE: In the Storage container, put in all the clothing that you want to save. Fold them neatly so that the items will store well and think carefully about what you want to save.

SALVAGE/DONATE: Fill these bags with clothing that you would like to donate to a charity shop for other children to wear.

SELL/CONSIGN: Fill the consign/sell bag with the nicer items of clothing that are left. Double-check that all of these items are in great condition. Look for tears, marks, missing buttons or broken zips – and if you find any of these then re-allocate these items to the Salvage bag.

Now that you know where all of the clothing is to go – it is time to put your organisation into action!

Move the storage box somewhere safe and free of damp for future use.

Drop the Salvage/Donate bags off to a nearby clothing bin or drop them off for your local op shop.

Slip the consign/sell bags into the mailing bag along with the form that came with the bag and send them off to us at Little Poppets.

Now you can sit back and relax while Little Poppets sells the clothing for you.

Reward yourself with some chocolate or some online shopping for your child’s next season’s outfits –  you have earned it!


Order a mailing bag here
To shop now click here.

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