Russian Fudge

Russian Fudge 01This recipe is the classic Chelsea Sugar Russian Fudge recipe, but with a twist – I substituted white sugar with the Chelsea Raw Sugar and it was AMAZING!

Now because of this substitution, and the fact that the Chelsea Raw Sugar granules are larger, I used my Nutribullet to grind the granules down to fine dust (a bit like icing sugar). I’m sure you don’t have to do this, but it may take a wee bit longer for the sugar to dissolve.

3 1/2 cups Chelsea Raw Sugar
125g butter
3 Tbsp Chelsea Golden Syrup (tin)
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp salt
200g sweetened condensed milk (half a standard tin)

Grease a 20cm cake tin. Place all the ingredients into a medium, heavy based saucepan. Warm over a gentle heat until the sugar has dissolved, about 10-15 mins.

Bring to a gentle boil and cook for about 10-15 minutes, until it reaches the soft ball stage (120°C). It will still be liquid at this stage, but it’s just at a point where it’ll set perfectly when cooled.

Remove from the heat and cool for 5-10 minutes then beat using an electric mixer until the fudge is creamy and thick and has lost its gloss (approx. 10 minutes).

Pour the fudge into the prepared tin, and leave the fudge to completely cool and set on the bench.  When it has reached room temperature, it should still be soft to touch.  Cut it and then put it in the fridge to completely set.

Best to cut before it hardens properly or else it will be a difficult to cut!


To WIN a sweet-as $50 Chelsea Sugar gift pack, click on the image below
and scroll to the bottom! 

Do you have any Chelsea Raw Sugar recipes you’d like to share?  Or have you tried my ones?  Let me know below, or come over to my Facebook page and share your delicious baked goods 😀

For more delicious recipes, please visit Chelsea Sugar online.  Remember guys, sweet moments taste better with Chelsea Sugar!

Screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 6.27.03 AM

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Oh man! that fudge looks AMAZING. I think I might have to make some myself <3 xx

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