My Second Appearance on The Cafe

My Second Appearance on The Cafe

Second Appearance The Cafe

I was so chuffed when the team at The Cafe asked me to come back on the show, for the Coffee Group segment, and sit down with John Cowan; to chat about Punishments (or as we like to say “disciplining”).

John Cowan is, first and foremost, a father to three adult children (2 boys and a girl). So has LOADS of experience under his belt. He is also an author, speaker and broadcaster; and works with The Parenting Place. John is also one of the regulars on The Cafe, always chatting about the ins-and-outs of parenting.

I was nervous about talking about Punishments – because we all know if not careful, that type of conversation can go horrifically wrong. Not only that though – I’ve only got a 2 year old and a 4 year old, hardly a professional here!

Here’s the video if you missed it (it’s only a couple of minutes long):

Here are some behind-the-scenes videos / photos from my Snapchat account (follow me: happymumnz) …

I really wish I had more time to talk with John and Mel about disciplining our kids, because I think it’s a fascinating topic.

I’m a big believer, for those under 5 (because that’s the age of my kids), in communication. Communicate with kids ALL THE TIME about what you want, about what’s expected of your kids, and about the consequences. Children live in the moment, and often forget what’s been said – so constantly need reminding.

I’d love to talk more about it though – perhaps one for the live chats?

What do you think?  How’d I do?


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