Snapchat or Instastories?


Since the last few Snapchat updates have been out, so many people are finding it harder and harder to watch their favourite Snapchatters.

Some say just search for their name and they’ll come up.

Some say “send them a message” and they’ll stay in your chat list.

Some say “find them in the Discover” section.

Some even now say “bugger Snapchat I’m not even trying anymore”.

For me: I’m not giving up on Snapchat. Yes the update is the dumbest thing in the world and makes ZERO sense, but in saying that I make it work.

Here’s how you find someone who you follow, and doesn’t follow you back:

Go to the Discover section, type in their Snapchat username and then click on the image next to their name. This allows me to watch their Snapstory (if they have one).

You could try scrolling through the “Discover” part, but it can take a while to find who you want.

I know it’s a pain in the ass having to “search” for someone to see their updates though. Ideally you want it to just appear in your list so you can see it there, but sadly it doesn’t look like Snapchat gives a rats ass what it’s users think.


APPARENTLY you can “bring the old Snapchat back”, but guys remember nothing is guaranteed. From what I’ve read, you can go back to the old one, but once you restart your phone it updates. Here’s the instructions on how to do it if you want to give it a shot:

For now, however, I suggest we all just persevere.

I’m not going anywhere, and in fact I’ve started using Instastories (over on Instagram) a whole lot more in case people have quit Snapchat and want to still see stuff.

Instastories works in the same way Snapchat does, but it’s on the Instagram platform. Obviously Instastories is integrated with Instagram, which means you can tag people and brands. This makes it more “user friendly” for people like myself when I get sent stuff – I can then tag the brand.

I really like both Snapchat AND Instastories because it means I get to show you guys what I’m up to during the day and I get to interact with you.

The new Snapchat updates are really ruining my fun because so many of you can’t see my stuff (and others too!), which means I actually don’t get to hear from a whole heap of you.

Don’t give up on it just yet!

I’m still there, doing dumb stuff; and I’ll be there for a while yet.

Feel free to add me on Snapchat (username is happymumnz) or on Instagram for Instastories (username happymumhappychild).

Are you on Snapchat? Or Instastories? Or both? OR NONE????? HAHA

Snapchat or Instastories?

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