Stop Parent Shaming



Stop Parent


Over the past month or so (I don’t remember the exact timeline because I’m a Mum and time is nothing to me) I have been reading about Chrissy Teigen and John Legend and about how they’re new parents.  They have a beautiful daughter named Luna.

I actually follow Chrissy on Snapchat and love seeing a behind-the-scenes look at them.

They both live very different lives from us regular folk – which there is nothing wrong with.  It’s just different.

John and Chrissy stepped out to have dinner a little over one week after their daughter was born, and Chrissy was publicly blasted for it.

BuzzFeed put together a piece showing what happened, what was said and also John Legend’s response.



John Legend is right when he said …

Funny there’s no dad-shaming.  When both of us go out to dinner, shame both of us so Chrissy doesn’t have to take it all.  We’ll split it

… PREACH IT! ????

HOWEVER, how about we just not shame them at all.  Either of them.

Everyone parents differently.  Some people choose to continue the lives they had before they had children, and still go out.  Some choose to stay at home (like me).  There is no right or wrong – only opinions and judgement.

My opinion is, I couldn’t imagine going out less than a week after giving birth.  I was still in shock, at that point, about the fact I had just had a baby!  That doesn’t mean what she did is wrong.

Also, let’s just remember – we have no idea what goes on in someone’s life.  Or their back story.  Chrissy Teigen struggled for years with infertility.  We don’t know what that’s like.  We also don’t know what it’s like to suddenly have a baby after all of these years – maybe parenthood, in it’s first week, was incredibly overwhelming.

We can all understand that.  I felt like that and I didn’t have the same struggles she did.

Whatever reason, support, not shame and judgement, is what’s needed.  Opinions and judgement are a part of life, I get that, but still … I can hope! HAHA

What do you think?


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