That Moment With Their Dad


That Moment With Their Dad

About Their Dad 01

I envy my husband a bit.

I mean, obviously some days I envy him a lot – he gets to go to work and do things that have nothing to do with parenting.  He can have multiple coffees.  HOT COFFEES.

Now that my kids are a bit older, looking after them isn’t as challenging as it used to be when they were newborns / infants.  But I still have rough days, and wish badly I was out of the house, rather than stuck in it.

But I’m not talking about that.

I’m talking about the fact that when their Dad gets home, they RUN to him.  Screaming.  “DAD” … “DAAADDD!!!”

The joy and excitement of not having seen him the whole day.  They can’t WAIT to tell him about their day.  Or show them something they’ve done.  They sit and wait at our lounge window WATCHING for him to come home.  EVERY DAY.

I don’t normally get that.

I’m GLAD my husband gets it.  He doesn’t get to spend every single moment with them like I do.  I get loads of other things he doesn’t get – so honestly, he needs that.

But sometimes, like tonight, they RUSHED to him yelling at him and telling him about their day.  So freaking excited to see him.  And it occurred to me “I wonder if he knows how lucky he is to have this moment” …

I don’t have those moments that often because I’m ALWAYS with them.   And when I leave them with my parents, or my in-laws, and I go to pick them up, they tell me to GO AWAY.

They actually cry when they see me, because they’re happy being with their grandparents – now that is awesome.  I couldn’t ask for a better response in all honesty – because it means they are comfortable and HAPPY there.

But it does mean I don’t get the same as my husband … I don’t get that really-excited-to-see you response.

Do you understand what I mean?

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