The Dreaded C Word

That word … the dreaded C word … the one you never want to hear or know in your life at all.


Some of you know about our struggle with Asthma and Croup, others don’t. You can read about it here, or I’ll briefly cover it in a couple of sentences:

For a period of about 8 months, Chloe had croup several times – to the point she was hospitalised twice. Finally we had a diagnosis of Asthma and since then we haven’t had anything.

Until yesterday.

The night before, Chloe had a terrible sleep where she couldn’t stop coughing. Because I know of her history with croup / asthma, I kept her home from school yesterday.

We headed off to the doctor first thing in the morning, and you know how it was – Chloe was fine. No coughing, nothing.

It wasn’t until lunchtime that the cough came back and she just couldn’t stop.

So we headed back to the doctor around 3pm, and he said “yep it’s Croup”. We got Redipred, and I went and bought a pineapple (apparently it has a natural cough suppressant in it).

Thank goodness I went back – otherwise we might have ended up in hospital last night.

We got home and I gave her a dose of Redipred and some fresh pineapple. I also gave her a shower to steam things up – but also highly recommend an ultrasonic vapouriser if you have one.

Croup is VERY scary for everyone – for the child AND for the parents. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.

Hopefully this is the only dose of it this year.

Last night I was petrified I was going to end up in hospital though, and am so so glad that the Redipred worked and Chloe had a wonderful sleep.

She deserved it after the struggle she went through yesterday.

Has your child ever experienced croup?

Check out Kid’s Health for more information about Croup. If you are ever concerned please phone Healthline (0800 611 116) or visit your GP or local doctor. If you are worried that your child can’t breathe please do not hesitate to dial 111 and get an ambulance – your child’s health comes first and that’s what they’re there for!


The Dreaded C Word

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