The Perfect Parent

© Can Stock Photo / prawny


The Perfect Parent

There is no such thing as a “perfect parent”.

I see so many times online when someone writes a comment about how they do something different from others, and out of the woodwork comes the comment “oh here comes the perfect parents”. Or “perfect parent alert!”.

Nobody is perfect.

Everybody is just striving to do the best for their children and their family.

Exclusively breastfed? Not perfect, just doing their best.
Never has takeaways? Not perfect, just doing their best.
No TV during the day? Not perfect, just doing their best.
Washes their kids PJs every day. Not perfect, just doing their best.
Doesn’t allow their child to play on devices? Not perfect, just doing their best.
Able to afford things that others can’t? Not perfect, just doing their best.
Vacuums every day. Not perfect, just doing their best.
Doesn’t yell at their children? Not perfect, just doing their best.

We all live different lives, and have had completely different upbringings. This helps to shape us into the person we are today – defines our decisions we make as a parent.

That doesn’t make anyone “perfect”.

You can’t see what goes on behind the scenes of someone’s life. They might have a perceived one moment of “perfect parenting” but in fact they’re just regular like ALL of us.

If you flip the coin, the same goes for being a “shit parent”. Just because someone doesn’t do what other’s do, doesn’t make them a shit parent either.

Every single person (for the most part) is just doing their best, regardless of what anyone thinks.

Just because someone does it differently from you doesn’t make them any better or any worse than you – it pays to remember that before commenting online.

Have you been called a perfect parent? Or a shit parent?


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