Being a parent involves so many changes, one of which is you tend to stop looking after yourself as much.
A lot of things changed with me – I don’t straighten my hair anymore (used to do it every day). Sometimes I don’t shower every day. I never get my hair done. Nails? Yeah right. Heck, I barely even shave my legs.
People will say “you have to keep these things up to keep sane”, and they’re absolutely right, but sometimes it’s not possible. As a SAHM on one income, our budget is TIGHT. So really the only two things I can afford to do is straighten my hair, and have a shower haha …Hair and nails just get ignored.
But even those “free” things can be put on the back burner because our lives as a parent takes over and we have “more important” things to do.
Watch my video and let me know the answer to the really simple question: what changed with your regime when you became a parent? What are some of the things you don’t do anymore?
Do you have a plan to get it back on track? Or are you like me, and just going with the flow?