Top 6 Ways Kids Can Help Out At Home

Top 6 Ways Kids Can Help Out At Home

Encouraging kids to clean the house can be a double edged sword. It’ll probably take them twice as long, AND you’ll probably end up having to go back and do it yourself anyway.

HOWEVER, teaching kids that things don’t just clean themselves is a great way start thinking about the bigger picture in life; that if we make a mess, we have to clean it up.

That’s a pretty important life lesson right there.

AND it doesn’t have to be a boring chore. You can make it a fun game – turn it into an adventure. Offering an incentive is a great thing to do to. As adults we might reward ourselves too – with a coffee, or a wine. So there’s no reason why you can’t offer your child one.

Including your children in the “adult chores” can actually help them to feel more included.

Remember to sound HAPPY and EXCITED – the keys to getting your kids motivated – “Come on guys lets go on a cleaning adventure!”….

Here are the 6 ways kids can help out at home:


1. Wiping down surfaces
Giving kids a decent cloth (like a Chux Robuste cloth) and a spray bottle (from the $2 shop is fine) and let them spray and wipe down. The kitchen table and any coffee tables are a really great place to start.


2. Vacuum Cleaning
The satisfaction of vacuuming is almost instant – kids can see that they’re actually making a difference. If you have a handheld vacuum cleaner then even better as it’s the perfect size for kids! I often find with the smaller vacuum cleaner, the kids just randomly want to do it – which I’m VERY happy about LOL!


3. Doing The Dishes
This is one of those “do you really want to create a mess just to teach them how to clean” – actually yes sometimes you do. Give them a Chux Robuste cloth and a sink partially full of water and let them do their best. Our kids love doing this – don’t fill the sink too much though otherwise it really will be a disaster!


4. Sweeping
A dustpan and broom are probably one of the most amazing things you can have because the kids can really get stuck in – inside AND out with this. Our kids love sweeping up rocks and dust/dirt outside … it makes them feel like they are helping AND it keeps them occupied for a while.


5. Dusting
Aaah yes, the dreaded dusting. I can currently hear a lot of parents saying “what is dusting” … well have no fear! Give your kids a dry Chux All-Purpose Super Absorbant cloth and tell them to ‘just wipe all of the surfaces’ and watch the magic that is uncovered. Throw that Chux cloth in the wash (or in the dishwasher) afterwards too because that bad boy can be reused! SCORE!


6. Putting Toys Away
The simple act of “tidying up once you’ve finished” is a great way to teach your children that your house is not a dumping ground. Before moving onto another activity, encourage your children to put away their toys.


This post is sponsored by Chux – which is extremely appropriate considering the great range they have for wiping up spills and messes, and keeping the house clean. The two cloths that my kids used (and I do to) are the Chux Robuste Cloths and the Chux All-purpose Absorbant Cloth.

My personal favourite is the All-Purpose Absorbant Cloth as it can be put in the washing machine (or dishwasher) and reused. That’s a major win!

But just so you know the Chux Original Robuste (and the Chux Silver Scourer) can go in the dishwasher to be cleaned too.


I have a $50 Countdown Gift Card for one lucky person so that you can stock up on all of your Chux goodies and get your kids helping out around the house!


Comment below and tell me if you’d like to win!

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